Huang Minghao enjoying durian at the SS2 Night Market in Malaysia!

Chinese male star Huang Minghao was spotted at the SS2 night market in Kuala Lumpur enjoying the "King of Fruits" durian, according to reports. He had been in Penang filming for a suspense movie directed by Ke Wenli, alongside Wu Zhenyu and Zhang Junying. Many Malaysian locals have encountered the film crew. On the 5th, Huang Minghao shared four photos on social media, captioning them with "Some postcards~ Got to eat durian hehe." One of the pictures shows him holding a durian fruit, mouth wide open in anticipation of eating it.

In addition, a user on Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) posted a photo of Huang Minghao's back at the SS2 night market, while others claimed to have also encountered him and took photos. However, his assistant indicated that they couldn't be shared publicly, leaving fans envious and commenting, "So jealous," "Oh my god, I was in that area yesterday too," "Why can't I ever encounter him? So jealous," "How come I can never bump into him?"

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